WFC Bar Sales Benefit CMN
Sunday, October 1st, 2023 | All Day

What happens when you buy a World’s Finest® Chocolate bar?
You help children at area Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals get the critical care they need, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. All donations benefit Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare and Gunderson Health Systems.
Your chocolate bar helps with
- Transportation
- Payment assistance
- Medical equipment
- And other needs of young patients and their families
Visit your local WESTconsin office to buy a World’s Finest® Chocolate bar TODAY!
All proceeds help local kids and their families through the efforts of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals—Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, MN and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI.
Please stop in for more information or to donate!
All WESTconsin Offices