Meet our Mortgage Professionals
To apply online or view additional rate options, please choose a Mortgage Loan Originator to assist you.
Our team of real estate professionals is happy to help you with your home purchase, or just answer any questions you might have. If you wish to email one of the loan originators who are listed below, please do not reveal any private financial information as personal email accounts are not secure.
Mortgage Loan Originators
Jeremy Hofacker
(800) 924-0022 ext. 1682 Apply Now Email Jeremy Contact JeremyAltoona & Chippewa Falls
NMLS #: 1937023Jeremy Hofacker
Altoona & Chippewa Falls
Direct Phone: 8009240022.1682 Email: JHofacker@WESTconsinCU.ORG
NMLS #: 1937023 -
Brandon Whitman
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7425 Email: BWhitman@WESTconsinCU.ORG
Lisa Hoffman
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7444 Email:
Mitch Starkey
Barron & Rice Lake
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7059 Email: mstarkey@WESTconsinCU.ORG
NMLS #: 2358673 -
Megan Barone
Eau Claire & Chippewa Falls
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7366 Email: MBarone@WESTconsinCU.ORG
NMLS #: 1393132 -
Sara Schultz
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7819 Email:
NMLS #: 2397513 -
Kyle Behrens
(800) 924-0022 ext. 7204 Apply Now Email Kyle Contact KyleMenomonie–Downtown
NMLS #: 888784Kyle Behrens
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7204 Email:
NMLS #: 888784 -
Maria Strong
(800) 924-0022 ext. 7405 Apply Now Email Maria Contact MariaMenomonie-Downtown
NMLS #: 2042738Maria Strong
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7405 Email: mstrong@WESTconsinCU.ORG
NMLS #: 2042738 -
Jordi Buchner
(800) 924-0022 ext. 7702 Apply Now Email Jordi Contact JordiMenomonie–East
NMLS #: 479261Jordi Buchner
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7702 Email: jbuchner@WESTconsinCU.ORG
NMLS #: 479261 -
Nick Boss
New Richmond
Direct Phone: 8009240022.3242 Email:
NMLS #: 2605335 -
Lacey Sandow
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7551 Email:
Jennifer Knospe
River Falls & Ellsworth
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7532 Email:
NMLS #: 1786841 -
Amber Hanson
River Falls & Prescott
Direct Phone: 8009240022.7486 Email: ahanson@WESTconsinCU.ORG
NMLS #: 1223292