Jamie Gower Selected to Serve on America’s Credit Unions Council


WESTconsin Credit Union is pleased to announce the selection of Jamie Gower, WESTconsin Vice President – Human Resources (HR), to America’s Credit UnionsExecutive Committee for the HR and Organizational Development Council. This council focuses on member engagement, reviewing and promoting member benefits, and creating strategies for retention and growth, among other tasks.

Gower joined the credit union industry in 2019 with her current role at WESTconsin. She says The Credit Union Difference aligns perfectly with her professional values and she is eager to deepen her involvement in the industry with this opportunity, as well as help WESTconsin and other credit unions across the country.

“As an HR practitioner deeply committed to community impact, employee development, and business success, the credit union world has become the perfect trifecta for me,” Gower said. “I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to serve and welcome the opportunity to collaborate more frequently with professionals within the America’s Credit Unions association.”

The HR and Organizational Development Council is one of eight America’s Credit Unions councils that help industry professionals across the country make connections, share information, provide insight, and push credit unions forward. Gower will serve a three-year term.

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